Statements (func. params)

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Statements may consist of one single statement, multiple statements separated with semicolons, and blocks. Blocks are one or more statements encapsulated with { ... } braces.

The for() and table process() are common functions making use of statements.
Attention: Don't confuse with C/C++: The three parameters inside the for-function must be separated with commas, not semicolons. And use semicolons instead of commas to separate statements.

  // Demonstrates direct use of code and code in string using colon

  next[] = "a[]++; print( Next )";
  for ( a[] = 1; print( Start ), a[] < 5, :next[] )
      echo( " ", a[] );
Start 1
Next 2
Next 3
Next 4
Try it yourself: Open LAN_Features_Statements_[func_params].b4p in Decompress before use.